
Our South Georgia Home

You may have read our moving announcement that I posted a couple of months ago and are now wondering what more I have to share on the topic. Our initial move from Chicago to where we are currently staying was just temporary. We thought it would be easier on us all if we stayed with family while we waited on our Chicago home to sell and while we searched for the right home here in South Georgia. While “easy” is not an accurate description of the past three months, we learned a lot about patience. 90% of our things are packed up in boxes, either in a storage unit, in a shed, or in our minivan.

It’s just so hard to get comfortable in a new place when you don’t know where any of your familiar home items are, and you don’t know where anything is in the kitchen. The baby had to learn to sleep in his pack and play this whole time while the crib lay disassembled among our things. During this time, we also had several transitions, including me starting work at my 9-5, Noah starting daycare for the first time, and the whole household coming down with a cold in the midst of it all. On top of that, one of our two cars needed servicing, so we have been a one-car household in a rural part of town. All of this is not here for me to complain about how hard life is, because it’s not. We are absolutely blessed and we have everything we need. I just wanted to give a human perspective on how it’s been going for us, and I’m hoping you can relate.

In the middle of all the waiting and uncertainty, we were able to find a house that we loved. It’s in a great neighborhood and zoned for great schools, and honestly, we are so blessed. This whole process has been long and hard. There were days I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to get through it. I just wanted to give up and quit everything: my marriage, my job, my life. It is a lot to handle for someone who is still recovering from depression. I have been leaning hard on my bible study time, my therapist, and my family to get through just one day at a time. I think, not even after just the past three months, but after this past year, I think everything is finally turning a corner, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. If I had given up sooner, I would have missed this beautiful moment of rest. Valleys aren’t infinite and the light inevitably shines in those dark places. If you’re going through something like this, just take it one day at a time and have faith that God has something amazing planned on the other side, even if it looks different than you might have hoped.

So, here we are, in our moment of rest, at our South Georgia Home.

Patience & Pearls

Wishing you a season of rest and peace,


Patience & Pearls – Our South Georgia Home – Pinterest


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